Sunday, December 11, 2011

Fabric Flower Painting: Step 4

Step 4 was the long and tedious task of cutting and gluing each fabric piece in place. Let me just mention that having the shapes sketched out on the canvas was not helpful at all. The fabrics weren't sheer enough to lay them out and use the canvas as a template. What I ended up doing instead was guess, cut, check, cut some more, check, trim, check, glue. At least it worked!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Fabric Flower Painting: Step 3

Well, here is how the fabric trip went down. I took Sam (the painting's recipient) with me for support. We went to JoAnn's and headed straight for the remainder bolts.

We found one that we loved, but not much else to go with it, so we kept looking. Then, oh wow, we found a field of colors!

After about 20 minutes of waffling on color choices we ended up with a nice little collection for less than 8 dollars.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Fabric Flower Painting: Step 2

Since patchwork pieces for the flower petals might get a little complicated, I decided to add some more detail. I put some rough color on the canvas to help me visualize the end product, and also to help determine how much fabric is needed. Next step is to stock up at JoAnn's!

Fabric Flower Painting: Step 1

So here's the story: We got a great painting in at work about a month ago. It's a bunch of tulips made out of fabric and beads on canvas. I will be trying to make my own version of this as a gift to a friend of mine for her new apartment.

Step one here was to sketch out the overall design on the canvas using charcoal.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Giving it Another Try

Well I think it's time to give blogging another go. I'm taking a year off of school to get re-motivated and figure things out, so now's as good a time as any. I'll be trying to get caught up with my artwork for the next couple posts putting up photos of my recent projects on here. Hopefully it will also help me get back into sketching too.

Saturday, May 21, 2011


I think my mom really liked her mother's day gift. We got to spend the morning together at IHOP with my sister (back from college). Next up: Father's Day! I'm not sure I have any ideas yet. We'll see.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Mother's Day and End of Semester

So clearly I have not been keeping up my blog this semester, but now school is almost over! This week is the last week of classes, and tomorrow is Mother's Day. The picture proves it. I love you Mom!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Back to School

Well, classes start today. I'm taking a management class, an art class, a web design class, and two multimedia classes. This should be a fun semester!